To enter the internal tournaments you will need a handicap so please contact Ian Cumming, Ann Brookes or Pam Hopper and arrange a handicap session with them for when the summer lawns are open.
The initial Handicap Process
When a new player starts playing competitive Golf Croquet, it is essential that an appropriate handicap is given – not every beginner is the same! It is generally the task of the Club Handicappers to set the initial handicap.
Use the following test to assess the player’s handicap – it is quite approximate, and the initial handicap must be reviewed by the Club Handicapper, and corrected if necessary, after the player has recorded the first five to ten results.
The simple test for players new to croquet is known as the Three-Times-Round test (and for the avoidance of any doubt, this should be performed on a full-sized court). The player starts from Corner 4 and counts the number of strokes required to run Hoops 1 to 6 inclusive, completing the exercise three times. Table 3 is then used to convert the aggregate number of strokes taken for the three exercises into an initial handicap. If this aggregate is less than 50, the player’s handicap should be separately assessed. The test should not be used for players who have played Association Croquet and have AC handicaps less than 10.
Strokes Taken | Initial Handicap | Initial Index |
50-53 | 7 | 1350 |
54-56 | 8 | 1300 |
57-60 | 9 | 1250 |
61-63 | 10 | 1200 |
64-67 | 11 | 1150 |
68-70 | 12 | 1100 |
71-78 | 14 | 1050 |
>78 | 16 | 1000 |
The practice of setting all beginners at a handicap of 16 must be avoided. Most players have some natural ability that deserves a handicap less than 16 – only set a handicap as high as 16 if the Three-Times-Round test suggests it is necessary.
It is entirely reasonable for Clubs and Federations to set upper or lower handicap limits for players in their leagues, matches and events (such as an upper limit of 12 in league matches, for example), but a complete beginner generally won’t be playing in such matches immediately and may benefit from a first season playing off 14 or 16 within the club. Most importantly, remember that players must play off their correct handicap at all times.
The Three-Times-Round test may also be used by Club Handicappers on existing high-handicap players to confirm or adjust their handicaps, particularly if there is doubt about the accuracy of those handicaps. The Club Handicapper must review any new handicap after five to ten recorded games, and correct it if necessary.
Players must update their handicaps in the Subscribers’ Area of the Croquet England website – if unable to do so, they should contact their club secretary.