The club tournaments are available to view here on the website and in the clubhouse.
- Any questions email
- To enter you will need an official handicap obtained by contacting either Ian Cumming, Ann Brookes or Pam Hopper for GC and Nick Steiner or Georgeen Hemming for AC
- Games are arranged and courts booked for mutually agreed times by participants.
- GC matches are to be played using the Advantage Play
- The winner of each match must email the result of an in-house competition game immediately after and update the relevant sheet on the left hand notice boards
- Each round will have a date that the games must be played by
- All competitions are to be completed by September 30th
- The weekend of September 21st/22nd has been reserved for a finals day. It would be nice if we could arrange the finals to fall on these days with, hopefully, an appreciative crowd coming to watch.