Important Notice: Frosty Conditions and Lawn Care

During frosty weather, we kindly ask that you avoid booking the following times:

  • Lawn 1: Before 12:00, as the sun does not reach the southwest boundary until then.
  • Lawn 2: Before 11:00.

This is to ensure safety and preserve the quality of the grass for the following reasons:

  1. Injury Risk: The path and verandah were icy this morning, and frost makes the grass slippery, increasing the likelihood of slipping and falling. This can result in sprains, fractures, or other injuries, especially if the ground is icy or if you’re walking on a slope.
  2. Damage to Grass: Frost causes ice crystals to form on grass blades, which can puncture and damage their cell walls. Walking on frosty grass can rupture these cells, leading to brown, dead patches. The pressure from your steps can also cause permanent damage, particularly when the frost is thick.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

AC Winter League

Al Brown is organising an AC Winter League. To enter, send an email to Al at

All matches will be a singles half game.

Halve the difference of the handicaps. Half bisques are allowed but cannot be used to run a hoop.

time limit is to be agreed by both parties prior to the start of the game.

The first player to start will be determined by a coin toss.

The winner of each league match will receive one point, while the loser will receive none.

Players are expected to arrange their own matches at mutually convenient times, booking courts in advance.

Results must be emailed to who will then update the table here on the website.

Please note that, in line with club winter rules, NO JUMP SHOTS ARE ALLOWED to avoid damaging the greens.

League ends March 31st 2025.

To enter or for further clarification, feel free to contact Al at

Membership of Colchester Croquet Club for the winter is £40.

Draft Club Calendar for 2025

We now have a Club calendar for next year listing all the proposed club lunches and tournaments taking place here and at Newport – our nearest accessible neighbour.

It is draft so subject to change. If anyone has any suggestions to make this more useful please get in touch with me at

It will have links to enter the tournaments directly from the page, when they become available, to avoid having to negotiate the Croquet Org (CO) website. For tournaments outside of Colchester and Newport you’ll still need to visit the ‘Compete’ section of the CO website to view and enter.

Winter Courts are open

Thanks to Martin, Alex & Kevin who spent the morning setting out the two winter courts.

The courts are rotated 90 degrees and are 80% of a summer court. The starting location for GC is the yellow flag shooting to the blue topped hoop. For AC it’s the A or B baulk.

Please remember to swish away the worm casts before play and that jump shots are banned.

Croquet should not be played on frosty or icy lawns. However, even if the lawns appear clear, there may still be icy patches around the grounds. In these conditions, extra care is needed, especially on the slope from the car park to the veranda.

When sharing a court please be cognisant of the other players location and that of their balls. Both sets of players are to be courteous, considerate and respectful of each other, avoiding interference and distractions and deferring to primary court players in matters of priority.

Winter membership is £40 which enables you to book a court and play seven days a week through to the end of March.

Indoor AC Speed Short Lawn Croquet in Aldham

The Winter Indoor Short Lawn Croquet has commenced in Aldham village hall every Thursday throughout the winter. The cost is £5/half day, £10/day. Winter Membership of Colchester Croquet Club is required at £40 for the season.

The game is played in a doubles format, with each team allowed a maximum of three hoops per turn. Each team has up to ten minutes to play, making the game a total of 20 minutes.

A good grasp of Golf Croquet (GC) and a basic understanding of Association Croquet (AC) are preferred, as there won’t be time for training. However, if you’re interested, feel free to come along and watch – someone will be happy to explain the game as it unfolds.

For more information contact

EACF GC Handicap League 2025

Every year, the Club enters a team in the EACF GC Handicap League. In 2023, our team topped the Eastern League, won the semifinal, but narrowly missed out in the final. This year, we again finished top of the league, won the semifinal, and this time claimed victory in the final on 28th September at Wrest Park against Newport Oaks. This marks the first time Colchester has won the competition in its 20-year history!

Playing in the league is an excellent opportunity for newer players to gain valuable experience in a competitive yet friendly environment. To build on the club’s success and give more members the chance to participate, We are exploring the possibility of entering two teams next year. Several clubs, including Chelmsford and Maldon, already do this.

Half the matches are played at home, and half are away, so some travel will be necessary. In 2024, league opponents were two teams from Maldon (playing in Hatfield Peverel), one from Chelmsford, and one from Southchurch (Rettendon) and one from Sudbury. The semi finals have been held at Newport (near Saffron Walden) for the past two years  

Each team consists of four players, with no individual handicap boundaries, although the team’s combined handicap must be greater than 20. This allows for a good mix of high and low handicappers. In each match a player competes in five games – one doubles and four singles. Matches typically run from 10 a.m. to around 4 p.m, with a break for lunch, so a reasonable level of physical fitness is required.

To field two teams, we need a MINIMUM pool of eight players per team – 16 in total – to account for holidays and other commitments. Players may only represent one handicap team, and team members cannot be shared between teams. 

Participating in a team requires a commitment to spend a full day playing croquet up to half a dozen times throughout the summer. That said, the other teams are great company and provide an excellent Tea. It’s always a lot of fun and a rewarding and truly worthwhile experience.  

Importantly, we also need a dedicated captain for the second team. The role involves:

  • Coordinating with other clubs to schedule League matches
  • Selecting the team according to the handicap guidelines
  • Organising transport for away matches
  • Hosting home matches, including scorekeeping and timekeeping

If you’re interested in playing or taking on a captaincy role, please contact Marilyn Wood.

EACF Handicap League Final

Last year the Colchester team, captained by Steven Scrase, reached the final of the EACF Handicap League at Wrest Park, only to come a close second to Meldreth.  This year, we scoured the globe for a truly multinational team to avenge that defeat – Marilyn Wood from Wales, Alex Wood from Scotland, Marion de Landmeter from Holland and Kev Croot from England.   

Thankfully the apocalyptic floods of recent days abated, on a lovely sunny autumn day, the team faced Newport Oaks.  Team handicaps of both teams were similar, leading to many long, hard-fought games – the record went to Marion, who, in a real test of physical and mental endurance, finally overcame her opponent after an hour and fifty minutes! 

Oaks got off to a fast start but were pulled back to all square by lunchtime.  Colchester grabbed a two-game lead in the first block of the afternoon and held on to the lead to seal a 10-8 win with the last game of the day. The six o’clock finish had us wondering if our phone torches could be used to floodlight the last few games!   

The final hoop score of 105-100 to Colchester, showed how narrow the margin was between the teams. 

This is Colchester’s first title win in the 20th anniversary year of the competition.  Well done to the winning team and shout out to everyone who played in earlier rounds – Stephen Scrase, Patrick de Burca, Hugh Brown, Patricia Drinkwater and Chris Clarke.  Without their contributions in the league stage, we would not have reached the final. 

As always, the match was played in a very friendly (but competitive) spirit and we look forward to renewing the rivalry next year.

The team now goes forward to the National GC Handicap team event in 2025. 

EACF B-Level Final September 22nd

This Sunday our B-Level team made a valiant (and very memorable) appearance in the EACF B-Level final, squaring off against Leighton Winslade at the Newport Croquet Club grounds. While the outcome may not rank among the club’s proudest achievements, it’s sure to go down as one of our most talked about moments.

The near-win, with a final score of 5 games to 13, was just part of the experience. Two players, each losing 7-0 in one match, offered their own unique take on the game. Some might see it as “losing,” but they viewed it more as a statement – challenging the conventional importance of numbers.

While the other team focused on winning, our team explored the more philosophical aspects of croquet, embracing the idea that success can be subjective. They took a minimalist approach, opting to avoid the complexities of scoring and positioning, and instead focused on enjoying the match.

Croquet has always been a sport of gentlemanly conduct, refined skill, and admittedly confusing rules. On this wet and overcast day, our team embraced all of these traditions, except perhaps the refined skill, but definitely the confusing rules – with four ball-swaps in one game alone.

In the end, they may not have won, but they left the tournament with their heads held high (helped by not having to carry any trophies). The thrill of competition and the camaraderie of teammates were enough. And if we’re honest, that’s what sport is really about, aside from maybe winning, which they’re still working on.

Of course, the day wasn’t without its highlights. The post-match tea provided by Newport Croquet Club was, as always, impeccable, and they managed to walk away with the highly-coveted invisible consolation ribbon. Sure, the other team might have taken home the trophy, but they left with something even better – stories. After all, what’s more entertaining than an epic 7-0 defeat? Twice?

Next up for the team: preparing for next year’s tournament, where they’ll work on their mallet swings, maybe aim for a hoop or two, and perfecting the all-important skill of post-game tea consumption.

Joking aside, congratulations to Marian (captain), Michael, Hugh and Kevin for getting to the final.

GC Winter League 2024

Marilyn Wood will be organising the GC Winter League again this year, following the success of last year’s inaugural event. The rules will remain largely the same (details provided below), with one significant change: to participate, you must now have an official GC handicap.

Don’t worry, obtaining a handicap is quick and easy, taking less than 30 minutes. To schedule an assessment, please reach out to Ian Cumming via the GC WhatsApp group or by email at If you are awaiting an official handicap but would like to sign up, you can still do so. Simply write “Handicap pending” and notify Marilyn once Ian Cumming has assessed you. 

League Format:

  • The league phase will begin once the courts are converted to their winter format, expected in early November.
  • We will accept up to 32 players, divided into 4 leagues of 8 players each.
  • Within each league, players will compete against all others in a singles match, resulting in a maximum of 7 matches per player.
  • Each match will be the best of three games.
  • The winner of each league match will receive one point, while the loser will receive none.  
  • The winner and runner-up of each league will advance to a knockout stage in February and March to determine the overall champion.

Important Notes:

  • Entry is on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • If you enter, please make every effort to play as many league matches as possible. While playing all your matches is not mandatory, your chances of winning your league increase with every match played and won.
  • To register, send an email with your name and official GC handicap to or add your details to the sign-up sheet in the Clubhouse.

Please also note that, in line with club winter rules, NO JUMP SHOTS ARE ALLOWED to avoid damaging the greens. If a deliberate jump shot is played, it will be treated as a fault and all balls will be replaced and any hoops run will be cancelled.

Winter League 2024 – Rules

  • Players must have an official GC handicap.
  • Players are expected to arrange their own matches at mutually convenient times, booking courts in advance. Be prepared to double-bank, using secondary colours if necessary.
  • All matches will be singles, played off handicap under Advantage Play rules. The first player to start will be determined by a coin toss.  .
  • Each match will be best of three games and will not affect your handicap. 
  • Results must be recorded on the league sheets in the Clubhouse and emailed to Please write your score first (e.g., a 7-5 win would be recorded as 7-5; a loss as 5-7).
  • League matches must be completed by Sunday, 16th February, to allow time for the knockout stage. 

Knockout Stage:

  • The top two players from each league will advance to the knockout phase. In the event of a tie, standings will be determined by the number of games won, and if still tied, by net hoops. Marilyn will handle the calculations, so it is essential that all scores are recorded accurately.  
  • Quarterfinals: The league winner will face the runner-up of another league.
  • Semifinals: The four winners of the quarterfinals will advance.
  • Final: The two semifinal winners will compete for the title of Winter League Champion.

For any further clarification, feel free to contact Marilyn at