External Leagues we participate in

East Anglian Croquet Federation (EACF) Golf Croquet Leagues

  • Open. Open to all handicaps. Level Play. Captain: TBD
  • B-Level. Open to all handicaps of three and above. Level Play. Captain: Marian Manning.
  • Handicap. Open to all handicaps. Handicap Play. Captain: Stephen Scrase.

Essex and Suffolk Association Croquet League

  • The Essex-Suffolk League is for AC players and was originally for those who were new to AC. Recently, because we have so few AC players, anyone who can play AC is welcome in the team. Other clubs also struggle to find players but we are all keen to keep it going. There are only 3 matches in the season, against Bury St Edmunds, Newport and Cambridge (Yes, I know that’s not in Suffolk or Essex!). We alternate between Home and Away matches from one year to the next. Four players are needed for each match on the day – selected from the available pool. Each match consists of one Doubles and two Singles in the morning and four Singles in the afternoon. The team is managed by Georgeen Hemming.